Two week spotlight show featuring the art of Mark Cheney and Christine Collins

YAA Spotlight

There will be a two week spotlight show featuring the art of Mark Cheney and Christine Collins.  The show will be from Sept. 20th to October 4th at the Yaquina Art Association Gallery located at 789 NW Beach Drive in the Nye Beach Turnaround in Newport Oregon.  The gallery is open from 11 am to 4 pm daily.

After moving to the Oregon Coast, Mark Cheney added art to his interest in writing.  He began by making driftwood birdhouses, then one day he found a few pieces on the beach that fit together in a fish shape – interesting!  As he continued beach-combing, Mark found more and more pieces of wood that had the “essence of fishiness” and his pieces became larger.  He has since completed numerous pieces from five inches up to five feet long, often using jewelry wire with shells, agates and selected beads as eyes, and occasionally shells for fins.  He calls his creations “Fish Sticks”. His first sale as an artist was during the Push=pin show in 2008 at the Newport Visual Arts Center.  He also creates an occasional driftwood bird, has done a couple of small horses, and experiments with public art on Newport’s beaches.  He hopes to one day complete a life size driftwood horse.  Mark Cheney is an important part of the Yaquina Art Association as the YAA treasurer.  Mark also enjoys hand-built clay work and exploring various photographic opportunities.  He is a member of the Yaquina Art Association Photographers.

Christine Collins grew up enjoying art from her early childhood. She was born in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. She enjoyed taking classes in stained glass in high school and she took watercolor classes in junior college in California. Christine moved to the Oregon coast in 2000. Last year she got a chance to renew her love of art by taking watercolor classes through the Yaquina Art Association. She has been inspired by the beauty of the area. She says that people have been very supportive of her. She will show watercolors in her show focusing on landscapes of the ocean, rivers and the mountains.

"Blissful Bull" by Mark Cheney

“Blissful Bull” by Mark Cheney

"Fish Sticks" by Mark Cheney

“Fish Sticks” by Mark Cheney