Free Art Workshop Offered: “Water and Oil Do Mix” Tuesday March 13

News & Events

There will be a free workshop and demo on Water Soluble Oil Painting by Instructor Colleen Caubin, a member of the Yaquina Art Association, on Tuesday,  March 13, from 9:30 am-11 am on the Second Floor of the Visual Art Center 

You will learn how to have the beauty of oils with the easy non toxic cleanup of acrylics.
Discover the best brands, least expensive ways to start, how to use painting mediums,  what brushes work best and more. Bring your own water soluble oils or test out 4 different brands at the class. (materials fee $5) This will be great information for beginning or advanced painters.

Bring to class:
Painting supports, like canvas boards or loose canvas, or gessoed watercolor paper(300#),
brushes, small container for water, paper towel or rags, palette knife, and a stable palette to mix on. (not a paper plate please) A piece of glass or disposable palette is best. Tape the edges of the glass for safety. 

This is a great way to paint in oils without any toxic issues.  Water Soluble oils can be mixed with regular oils up to 70% but will need solvents to clean the brushes. 

If you have questions email Colleen at: