“Spotlight Lincoln County” Art Call

Exhibition, News & Events

The Yaquina Art Association is sponsoring a non juried art show open to anyone in Lincoln County with artistic abilities during the month of October. Artists of all ages are invited to hang artwork up to 660 sq. inches (approximately 22×30 inches) of original art in the show at the Yaquina Art Association Gallery in Newport, Oregon. The exhibit must be a wall hanging that is ready to hang, framed and with a wire on the back (no saw tooth hangers please). There will be no entry fee to encourage as many people as would like to enter and exhibit their artwork as possible and you do not have to be a member of YAA.

The show will run daily from Saturday, October 1, 2011 through Sunday, October 30, 2011. The gallery is open from 11 am to 4 pm every day and is located at 789 NW Beach Drive at the Nye Beach Turnaround just west of the Visual Art Center. Due to our goal of community outreach on this show, please help us get the word out that community members are encouraged to participate, (they do not need to be YAA members). A 20% commission will be charged with proceeds going to our scholarship fund. Due to space limitations, entries could be limited.

There will be an opening reception that the artists and community will be invited to on Sat. October 8th, 2011 from 1-3 pm at the gallery. Refreshments will be served. The preceding week people entering the gallery can vote on their favorite art piece and we will announce a People’s Choice Award at the opening reception on Oct. 8th. Information will be given on classes held through the Yaquina Art Association and registration forms will be available.

Artwork should be brought in to the YAA gallery on Sept. 28th and 29th from 11 am to 4 pm and on Sept. 30th from 11 am to 8 pm. For more information or to arrange another time to drop off art work please call Art Cox at 541-272-1776. Artists should place a label on the back of their artwork with Name, Address, Phone #, and Title of the art work and price (or NFS if not for sale).

The registration form and label can be found here: DOWNLOAD